I received an email from a woman saying, “Since you
are a healer maybe you or someone you know can help me with “Lisa.” She has had
4 ear infections, 4 urinary tract infections, colds, pink eye, poor eating and
the c-diff. She is 10 months old and there is always something going on with
her. Is there any type of holistic medicine or anything that can help me with
I suggested she contact Dorothy (one of my mentors),
maybe take her to a naturopathic physician, and offered to give the baby a
Reiki session. They came in the next week.
Lisa was fussy when we started. Her mother and I sat on a
massage table facing each other, with Lisa in her mom’s arms. I started the
session by putting my hands on Mom’s legs and sending healing into mother and
child. Next, I did off-body healing on Lisa, working with her energy field. Mom
and I watched as Lisa melted into deep relaxation.
I was then able to do hands-on healing and Lisa relaxed even more, until she
fell asleep nestled into her mom.
My heart expanded and I cried as this beautiful child embraced
healing energy and let herself feel safe. Mom cried with relief and love as her
daughter found peace, and because she could hold her without fussing for the
first time in weeks. The session was overwhelming, beautiful, and successful.
Lisa slept on the way home and later happily ate and drank more than she had in
The following day Mom took Lisa to the “Feeding Team,” where
she had waited weeks to get an appointment since the baby had been eating
poorly and not gaining weight. Lisa ate and drank so well at the appointment
that the staff were confused as to why she was there!
It has been three weeks since the Reiki and Lisa has been
healthy, lets herself be held, and continues to eat well. She is getting “fat,”
her mom says with a big smile. She told me, “You changed her back into the baby
she was before she got sick.”
This experience has
inspired me to provide a new service at Dragonfly Healing Arts; Mommy
and me Reiki, open to dads also! Bring your baby or young child for
tandem healing in a flexible way that works for both of you. I am offering special
prices for the first five children. Please call for an appointment at 860
989-2358, or email sharon@sharonfarber.net.