Friday, April 29, 2016

Guest Spaces open for May 4

Dragonfly Mediumship Development Circle has two guest spaces open. 

We invite up to four guests to attend circle on the first Wednesday of each month.  This is a platform, or gallery style reading.  Circle members (who choose to) take turns giving readings with the intention that the connections be for our guests. Guest sitters need no experience but should be receptive to spirit. $10.00 suggested donation. 

Call 860 989-2358 or email  to register as a guest.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Mediumship Development Circle

Sharon Farber original watercolor Dragonfly Healing Arts Mediumship Development Circle
This Mediumship Development Circle meets at Dragonfly Healing Arts in New Hartford, CT Wednesday evenings at 7:30. 
Suggested Donation: $10.00
Development Circles are a committed group of people who sit together regularly in order to build energy and work with Spirit.
The focus of this Circle is to help participants develop their evidential mediumship; provide an opportunity to receive and/or provide messages, and to bring together people with the common interest of spirit communication. 
All levels of experience are welcome, but a beginner level mediumship class or some personal experience with mediumship is beneficial.
The circle begins with energy moving exercises, guided meditation, and setting of intention.  Most of the time is spent on spirit communication; getting and giving evidence for other members of the circle to validate.
How to come and when not to:
  • Please arrive promptly
  • Wear clothing that is comfortable and does not restrict breathing.
  • Restrict perfume or other scents.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol and other drugs before attending.
  • It may be helpful to eat light in the hours before the circle.
  • Please do not come if you are sick, depressed, or feeling particularly negative.

Sharon Farber started this circle in May, 2012 to provide the opportunity for mediums of all abilities to Sit In Circle to further develop their skills, the way mediums have done for hundreds of years.
If you think this circle is right for you, contact Sharon: 860 989-2358 or

Monday, April 18, 2016

How is mediumship different than a psychic reading?

Many people are confused as to how a medium differs from a psychic. This is complicated by the fact that mediums are psychic, some psychics are mediums, and many people offer psychic and mediumship readings.

A psychic uses intuition to receive information about someone’s past, present, or future. They may do this by reading the client’s energy field, connecting with their own or the client’s spirit guides or higher self, or connecting with a Universal Source. They may use tarot cards or other tools, or have alternate ways of divining information. They may just “know” things. The intention of a psychic reading may be to offer guidance, a fresh perspective, and possibly strategies for dealing with challenges. The process might help people understand what is happening in their lives. Some psychics include mediumship in their readings.

Mediumship is connecting with the client’s recognizable loved ones in spirit. It does not involve predictions of any kind, or analysis of one’s career, finances, or love life. The intention of mediumship is to let the client know that their loves ones are still a part of their lives, reduce feelings of loss, and diminish fear of death. Loved ones may offer messages of love, support, and healing. Loved ones can be pets or human.  

Monday, April 11, 2016

Introduction to Mediumship

Monday,  May 9: Intro to Mediumship with Sharon Farber at Dragonfly Healing Arts

7 - 8:30 pm

Lecture and Discussion

Q & A


  • What is mediumship? 
  • How does it work? 
  • Can one learn to be a medium? 
  • Is it safe? 
  • What is the difference between a psychic and a medium? 
  • Where are the spirits? 
  • Types of mediumship
  • Spirit guides
  • How to become a medium
  • Boundaries
  • Ethics

Friday, April 8, 2016

Private Consultations

New: Private Consultations with Sharon Farber

  • Do you see dead people?
  • Hear things?
  • Are you frightened, excited, or both?
  • Would you like to discuss and explore your perceptions?
  • Private consultations with Sharon are available in person or by phone.
  • $25 per hour
Contact Sharon to schedule a session. 860 989-2358 or

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sharon's websites

To learn more about about my massage, healing, mediumship, artwork, and book, without waiting for new posts, (which are coming soon) check out my websites.

Sharon Farber

Dragonfly Healing Arts

Painted Path Watercolors

Monday, April 4, 2016

How to Become a Medium When You Aren't Born That Way... or Are you?

How to Become a Medium When You Aren't Born That Way... or Are you?

Welcome to my brand new blog! 

The focus of this blog is mediumship, how to become a medium, helpful hints on developing your mediumship, and updates on my upcoming book: How to Become a Medium When You Aren't Born That Way... or Are you?